Blister Packaging

Innovations in Blister Packaging: Enhancing Pharmaceutical Safety and Convenience


Blister packaging is a popular and effective packaging method for small consumer goods that need to be kept clean, identifiable and intact until the time of use. Invented in the early 1960s, blister packaging utilizes small pre-formed clear plastic blisters that are heat-sealed to a printed paper or plastic backing card or sheet. The plastic blister dome creates a protective cover over the packaged item to maintain its integrity and freshness.

Reasons for Rise in Popularity of Blister Packaging

Consumers prefer blister packs for their tamper-evident and convenient packaging solution for tablets, capsules and other small items. Pharmaceutical companies adopted this packaging method as it provides effective product protection, allows for product identification and information display through print on the blister backing sheets. Blister Packaging use packaging materials efficiently with minimal wastage compared to other packaging types. They allow easy dispensing of individual doses as per usage requirements.

Benefits of Blister Packaging for Pharmaceutical Industry

– Product safety and stability: Blister packs securely seal individual doses of medication like pills or capsules in small air-tight compartments. This provides superior protection from moisture, oxygen, and other external contaminants as compared to loose or other bulk packaging. The blisters maintain product quality and potency until opened for use.

– Secure child-resistant packaging: Blister packs with push-through lidding allow adults to access individual doses easily while engaging child safety mechanisms that are difficult for children to open accidentally. This addresses key safety concerns for over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

– Tamper evidence: The clear plastic blisters make it obvious to consumers and pharmacists if a pack has been meddled with prior to purchase. This ensures drug authenticity and integrity.

– shelf-life extension: Oxygen and moisture resistant barrier properties of blister materials help extend shelf life of packaged drugs in comparison to other packaging types like bottles. This benefits manufacturers and retailers.

– Dose compliance: Blister cells clearly separate individual doses in an orderly fashion. This packaging format helps patients follow correct dosage schedules and comply with prescription timing.

– Portion control packaging: As medicine is sealed in pre-determined quantities, blister packs offer portion control and avoid issues of overconsumption from bulk containers without measuring.

Innovations Using Blister Packaging

Advanced cold-form Blister Packaging machinery has enabled multi-cavity tools for high speed production. This brought down manufacturing costs significantly. New lidding materials allow puncture indications while remaining child resistant. Special blister films incorporated with desiccant pads are keeping drug products fresher for longer durations. RFID and barcode printing directly on the cavities and lidding are facilitating traceability. Interactive blister packs with in-built sensors are being developed for smart healthcare solutions. Medical device components are also being packaged in blisters now. Overall, blister packaging innovations are set to transform healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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